Porcelain Veneers - Rancho Palos Verdes

From Damaged Teeth to Dream Smile

Dr. Palani with dental patient

Hide Flaws, Fix Chips

Do you hesitate to smile because you’re embarrassed about the appearance of your teeth? Your smile is a natural and unique part of who you are, but if you dislike how yours looks, it can significantly impact your self-confidence. To help you regain confidence in your smile – and in yourself! – we offer porcelain veneers in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. This cosmetic dentistry treatment hides tooth imperfections such as chips, gaps and discolorations, as well as cracked and crooked teeth. Dr. Giri Palani, our cosmetic dentist at Palani Center for Dental Implants, is experienced in the artistic and technical aspects of these custom smile makeovers, and can create your dream smile with porcelain veneers … in as few as two appointments!

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Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Virtually all patients with cosmetic problems are candidates for dental veneers if they are in good oral health. As a cosmetic dentistry treatment, veneers aren’t meant to resolve functional issues with teeth, such as a bad bite (malocclusion). However, they can be a great option if you have the following issues in your smile zone (the teeth that show when you smile):
Before After
Before After
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Our Custom Treatment Process

Porcelain veneers treatment is a highly personalized and detailed process at Palani Center for Dental Implants. To provide the greatest esthetics, veneers must both hide problem teeth and provide the appearance of a new smile that looks and feels completely natural. During your first appointment, Dr. Palani will remove a few millimeters of the front surface of your tooth enamel. This ensures that your custom dental veneers fit naturally and comfortably over your existing teeth. Next, we’ll take impressions of your modified teeth, which will be used to hand-design your veneers to the most ideal size, shape and color for a beautiful new smile. When these restorations are ready, you’ll return to our practice for a second appointment, during which we’ll verify the final fit of your veneers, then bond them securely to your teeth. You won’t need to complete any special maintenance with veneers, and though they won’t stain as natural teeth do, you should continue brushing and flossing each day. The long-lasting result of your smile makeover is a series of dental veneers that compliment your gum and lip line, facial features and skin tone! In short, you’ll have the smile of your dreams, and one that will last you for many years to come.

Complete this short smile Evaluation and receive the following:

If you're a good candidate for veneers

A Digital Smile Design to show you what you will look like with your new veneers!

Pricing and options for treatment

And best of all... a time to speak directly with Dr Palani. Top Cosmetic Dentists in California!

Experience advanced dental care that considers your entire system.

Call our office today to set your initial appointment.

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