If you have one or more missing teeth, you may be struggling to bite and chew, or you may feel embarrassed to talk, laugh and socialize. Missing most or all your teeth can also result in changes in your facial appearance, a decline in your health, and increased discomfort and/or decreased self-esteem. No matter how many teeth you are missing, dental implants are considered by dental experts to be the “gold standard” solution. These permanent tooth replacements restore your oral health, smile esthetics and dental function, and they’ll do so for decades, possibly even a lifetime! Our team at Palani Center for Dental Implants is experienced in providing dental implants in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, and we can help you achieve a new smile and quality of life with this permanent solution.
Along with lasting, life-changing advantages, dental implants also come with a higher initial cost than traditional alternatives. But as the closest thing to natural teeth, the higher cost of dental implants is immediately matched by the dramatic improvements to your self-esteem, oral health and systemic health. This boost in the quality of your life cannot be overstated. We recognize these transformative effects, which is why we do everything we can to make your dental implant treatment in our Rancho Palos Verdes, CA implant practice achievable. We’ll file your insurance claim on your behalf, and connect you with leading financing companies that can break your payment down into manageable monthly payments. We’ll make receiving dental implants from an experienced implant dentist in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. affordable! Don’t wait to find out how.
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